Hello and welcome to the KÖNIGSSTUHL National Park Centre. Please follow the visitor regulations below in the interest of all visitors.
After purchasing the ticket, you are entitled to a one-time visit to our multi-vision cinema and/or the adventure exhibition as well as the Königsstuhl viewing platform. After leaving the grounds, the ticket loses its validity. Resale of tickets and any other commercial use are prohibited.
Tickets purchased without authorisation or misused lose their validity and must be returned to the National Park Centre without replacement. The National Park Centre KÖNIGSSTUHL Sassnitz gGmbH reserves the right to press charges against you.
The issue of discounted individual and group tickets, e.g. to schools, kindergartens, locals, requires appropriate proof of entitlement.
Tickets must be carried with you at all times during your visit and must be presented when requested by staff, and their instructions must be obeyed.
Use of the visitor facility, including its play equipment, viewing platform, etc., is at your own risk. Parents and guardians are liable for compliance with the visitor regulations. Therefore, please supervise your children well!
Animals, with the exception of assistance dogs, are not allowed in the exhibition rooms and the multi-vision cinema. The exhibition supervisor decides on a case-by-case basis whether prams may be brought in.
You are on national park grounds. The designation of a national park results, among other things, in limited traffic safety obligations.
It is prohibited to - to enter the house in a drunken state or under the influence of other intoxicants - to smoke or smoke in the entire house, to eat in the multi-vision cinema and the exhibition, or to handle open fires, - to damage or soil exhibits, - leave rubbish lying around. Please use the rubbish bins provided on the grounds and in the building.
Photography and filming is permitted for private use without flash. The recordings may not be published commercially or used commercially in any other way.
Children under 6 years of age may only enter the exhibition and/or the Multivision Cinema or the viewing platform if accompanied by a parent or guardian who must be at least 14 years of age.
Please observe the posted fire safety regulations. Escape routes are marked.
Please hand in any lost property to the supervisory staff.
The liability of the KÖNIGSSTUHL National Park Centre for damages is limited to intent and gross negligence, insofar as the damages are not bodily injuries to the guest or basic contractual obligations.
With the purchase of an admission ticket, the General Terms and Conditions as well as the Visitor Rules of the Nationalpark-Zentrum KÖNIGSSTUHL Sassnitz gemeinnützigen GmbH, the Hygiene Concept and the Privacy Policy are accepted and binding.